Sxwuxwa'us 'i' Si:nlhqi' (Thunderbird and Two Headed Serpent)
By Eliot White-Hill, Kwulasultun. 2020.
Limited Edition Serigraph, Edition of 50. Signed by the artist. H 19" W 25"
Screen printed locally in Nanaimo by UFF Serigrafia on high quality 100lb French Paper Kraft-Tone White.
The design depicts two of the most powerful creatures in our world. Two of the most powerful helpers. They are grappling with each other but not in combat—in that sense it is a false dichotomy. The relationships between things in nature exist outside of morality. The “good” or “bad” is something imposed by us as we struggle to make sense of something that transcends our understanding. This isn’t a scene of a fight, but just an engagement between beings; an engagement from which will come a new understanding as their energies come together.
This also represents the journey that I have taken as I work to learn more about my culture and art. While so much has been lost, there is also so much that is still there and exists in the teachings passed down in families, that exists in people, in texts, teachings that exist in the land. It is hard work to learn, and the more that you learn the more that you realize you don’t know. This is a journey that doesn’t end. Learning is sacred. Doing the work to learn is sacred.